
Villingurstevnet 2019 (WR NO21973193)

5/23/19 - 5/26/19

The time schedule may not be complete.
Code Test
F1 Five Gait
F1.JU Five Gait
F1.SE Five Gait
F2 Five Gait (Group)
PP1 Pace Test
T1 Tölt
T1.J Tölt
T1.S Tölt
T1.U Tölt
T2 Loose Rein Tölt
T2.JU Loose Rein Tölt
T2.S Loose Rein Tölt
T3.J Tölt (Group)
T3.S Tölt (Group)
T3.U Tölt (Group)
T7.Å Tölt
T7.B Tölt
V1 Four Gait
V1.J Four Gait
V1.SE Four Gait
V1.U Four Gait
V2.JU Four Gait (Group)
V2.S Four Gait (Group)
V5.Å Four Gait
V5.B Four Gait
C4 Four Gait Combination
C4g Four Gait Combination Group Tests
C5 Five Gait Combination
C5g Five Gait Combination Group Tests
T7V5 Entry Fourgait Combination

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